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Don't ask me why I did this- I was just in the mood. 'Tis a page about my best friend's little sister and her friends...

  Leah- note for ya

I made a whole new thing- then I pressed the wrong button and it disappeared!!!! I know, I'm not ugly... Oh, I was saying- we love Richard...I love Richard. And, I hope I get it, cuz I so need it...cuddling!!! And like we could go on a double date, but who wants to go anywhere with you? jk- actually, do you like wanna go to the mall with someone else interesting and we could like have bundles of fun? Oh, and a little inside joke to make you laugh till your soda goes up your nose...

Ninny: Your hair's too short...

Kelby: No, it's actually pretty long...

(or something like that)


It's Holly and Yesenia and Katelyn and Dani and Leah

Senia- uh, dudette- what was I gonna say? Oh, people are so crazy- you're pretty in this pic! Oh, and I need to come babysit you again and we can go hang with the neighbors!

'Tis Yesenia! Spencer, dudette- Spencer!

You're my itty bitty sister! Oh, I can't believe you're so old now! Now we can take the team approach. We are so picking up guys next year!

And this.....is DANI!!!!