Maverick Shrine
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I wish I could fit more pictures on this page- but I can't, so I'll put them on picture pages. He is so great! He loves me so much and I couldn't ask for a better dog. Oh, he can run up to 35 mph- so we don't let him off the leash because he'd chase the squirrels to China and not know his way back. Whippets don't have the best sense of direction. Which reminds me...Maverick is a Whippet. They're sighthounds, though sometimes he thinks he's a pointer. He'll love anyone who gives him a chance- except for the meter reader- cuz the guy intrudes into HIS backyard without even asking. He shakes when he's cold and sometimes you can hear his teeth chattering...It's so adorable, but he has a polo shirt, a turtleneck, and a fleece sweater so he can go outside when it gets cold. He has to sleep under the covers at night- he'll get in and snuggle. Then- after he whines forever to get me up in the morning to let him out- he runs back to our room to get back in bed and cuddle some more. Ok, if given the chance, I'd talk forever about him, but I don't wanna bore you too much! I'll update this later, but for now- YOU LOVE MAVERICK!!!! and don't forget it!

Mav and my red deck
I used my daddy's Minolta. Luckily, I think I'm getting a new camera, soon. The Canon Rebel Ti is what I'm asking for- it's so amazingly awesome!

Mavie was cold

I also took this with my dad's Minolta. The stupid Longs photo people left dust specks on it so thats why there are weird spots- but I still think he looks gorgeous.